Monday, December 3, 2012

Chili's Molten Lava Cake......O crap....

The other Friday night I went to Chili's in Millilani with my family we were waiting to get inside for like an hour so all I was doing was texting on my phone phone. When we got inside it was totally worth the wait. I would've waited a day just to get that food cause dang.....they sure can make some mean Cake. Their famous Chocolate Molten Lava Cake! 
Sent from the heavens itself to bestow it's wonderful richness on us, the people! It is with no doubt one of the most wonderful things I have ever tasted in my entire life. It starts of with a hard chocolate shell with Vanilla ice cream not so secretly hidden inside the shell. On the Bottom of that is the Best Part.......The cake. A nice chocolate cake that's baked just right and looks more beautiful than any actor or athlete you could ever think of. And in it's core, is a nice gooey filling of pure awesomeness. The best chocolate filling you could ever think of. And over it all is a nice sprinkle of fudge that makes just the right touch.This cake is the best thing i EVER ATE.

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