Everybody wants to be skinny..... why I ask? Is it so bad to be fat? Just because some people like food more than others doesn't make it bad right? Some people actually like being fat because like a wise man once said..."Fat people. Are Happy People" It has been proven that Fat people are more Happy then skinny people. Skinny people are so worried about staying skinny that all they care about is staying skinny and going on stuff like "diets" so they can't even enjoy food. What's the point of that Man! Heavenly Father gave you your mouth for two reasons. To talk & to eat. You need to enjoy your food when you eat it or else what's the point of admiring food. There are alot of famous people that are Fat and their happy about it.1 person come to mind. Madea.
She is my most favorite, with no doubt, black lady. She is fat for sure about that but she reps that flab! And she's proud of it which is pretty cool considering she is HALLARIOUS!!!! so ya, she is my example of a happy fat person. She is so funny and I laugh at almost anything she says. She.....is awesome
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