Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cookie Corner Employee


A related job to mine is A Cookie Corner Employee because you are surrounded by delicious food that everybody wants to eat.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Really Bad Joke

Q: Why did the Tomato start blushing?
A: because he saw the salad dressing:)
get it.....because the Tomato has a crush on the salad and it's "dressing"?!?!?!?!?!?! ya.....I just found it right now on google

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fat people. Are Happy People

Everybody wants to be skinny..... why I ask? Is it so bad to be fat? Just because some people like food more than others doesn't make it bad right? Some people actually like being fat because like a wise man once said..."Fat people. Are Happy People" It has been proven that Fat people are more Happy then skinny people. Skinny people are so worried about staying skinny that all they care about is staying skinny and going on stuff like "diets" so they can't even enjoy food. What's the point of that Man! Heavenly Father gave you your mouth for two reasons. To talk & to eat. You need to enjoy your food when you eat it or else what's the point of admiring food. There are alot of famous people that are Fat and their happy about it.1  person come to mind. Madea. 
She is my most favorite, with no doubt, black lady. She is fat for sure about that but she reps that flab! And she's proud of it which is pretty cool considering she is HALLARIOUS!!!! so ya, she is my example of a happy fat person. She is so funny and I laugh at almost anything she says. awesome

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Chili's Molten Lava Cake......O crap....

The other Friday night I went to Chili's in Millilani with my family we were waiting to get inside for like an hour so all I was doing was texting on my phone phone. When we got inside it was totally worth the wait. I would've waited a day just to get that food cause dang.....they sure can make some mean Cake. Their famous Chocolate Molten Lava Cake! 
Sent from the heavens itself to bestow it's wonderful richness on us, the people! It is with no doubt one of the most wonderful things I have ever tasted in my entire life. It starts of with a hard chocolate shell with Vanilla ice cream not so secretly hidden inside the shell. On the Bottom of that is the Best Part.......The cake. A nice chocolate cake that's baked just right and looks more beautiful than any actor or athlete you could ever think of. And in it's core, is a nice gooey filling of pure awesomeness. The best chocolate filling you could ever think of. And over it all is a nice sprinkle of fudge that makes just the right touch.This cake is the best thing i EVER ATE.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Is CheeseCake the only thing in that Factory???

What I would like to talk about write now is the Cheesecake Factory. Of course they have wonderful cheesecake there but is that really all they sell???? The answer, is No! They also have all sorts of other foods for example their nacho appetizers which shouldnt even be appetizers cause their just So Dang Big! I am not even kidding, they are gianormica with just a hint of unbelievbleness. I mean seriously..... how can you not want that? Now me personally, I do not like guacamole with my nachos but these had just enough salt and they weren't gross or mushy or anything!'s not even that fat yet I love most things because their fat. This may not be fat...but I sure do love it.

Adam Richman......Miracle Man


Adam Richman is one of the greatest people in Food network History. Sure, he might not be a classic Paula Deen or Rachael Ray or even Bobby Flay but he has a dream. A dream, that Burgers, and Fries, and PANCAKES will be showcased all over the world. He's fought, He's conquered, and been conquered. He travels all around the world challenging different restaurant owners across the nation to eat their biggest and baddest food. From Ohio, to O'ahu. California to Connecticut. Nebraska to New York. Vegas to Vermont! He goes all over finding the worlds Greatest and FATEST food. This my fine specimans, is art.............

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chow Bro,
My name is Greta Milcabitch. I am from Pasadena, Italy. I am writing this because I have to for my 3rd period. i am also one of the biggest lovers of Food ever. My middle name is actually
Mi piace il cibo which means I love Food in Italian. There's all types of different foods all over the world which is
what I'm gonna be writing about. But let me tell you a little about Myself. My full name is Greta Mi piace il cibo
Cote DE Pablo Melcabitch. I'm Italian-Spanish and my great great aunty is Julia Child the famous french cook.
Adam Richmond from Man vs. Food is also my cousin and I use to walk Paula Deen's Golden Retreiver named 
Todo. During my free time I like to play croquet with my cousins from Nashville and Drink PinaColada's with my
maid Beatrice. Well, that's just a little bit about me so uhhh ya I guess my letters done.

sincerely, Greta M.